Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March of Remembrance-Spokane

"For Zion's sake, I will not be silent!" Is. 62:1

Many have expressed a desire to stand with Israel and demonstrate respect and love for her People, as being Am Echad (one people).

A public prayer walk is being organized for May 1st, 2011. Our area has seen a recent display of anti-semetic activity within the last year. if you want to stand for what is good and true in eastern Washington state, subscribe to this event (and invite others) or contact >

I realize that this same day also hosts Spokane's Blooms Day event. Many of you will be participating in Blooms Day. After walking Blooms day for the community, rest your legs and walk ONE MORE MILE for the elderly Holocaust Survivors living in Israel. All donations at The March of Remembrance are to benefit Helping Hands Coalition in Israel ( to help feeding and comforting Holocaust survivors who live in Israel.

WHEN & WHERE - 3PM - 7PM at Manito Park, Spokane, WA on Spokane's South Hill

(NOTE: This event is still being developed. The following may experience some adjustments. PLEASE keep checking back to stay current!)

The Goal:
- To raise awareness and to become more educated about the historical event known as the Holocaust.
- To express love toward the Jewish people and express our support for them.
- To demonstrate an act of love in a day and time when too many seek to demonstrate hate and intolerance.
- To unite with the people of the National March of Remembrance in an effort to break the chain of ignorance and silence regarding hate toward the Jewish people in being a voice of truth, support and love.

How can the South Hill of Spokane participate:
- Walk, pray, and stand with us in the March of Remembrance commemorating Yom Ha Shoah - The Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust.

The Plan:
- To gather at Manito Park on Spokane's South Hill. A silent group prayer walk once around beautiful Manito Park (please call or email for route details)
and will end at the Picnic Shelter near the Grand Ave. entrance. (Walk
begins at 3pm - Picnic Shelter events begin at 4pm)
- Hear music performed by "Shalliach", a local Hebraic Music group. (4pm)
- To gather and listen as we are told about the events of the Holocaust from the perspective of the Jewish people whom have been directly affected by it. (5pm)
- To publicly address todays rising world wide Antisemitism. To not keep silent about misinformation that fuels hatred toward Israel and her people. Publicly communicate that forgetting the atrocities of world history, failing to recognize the symptoms leading to those events, and remaining silent in the face of ignorance and misinformation can only result in future atrocities.

Israel is once again beginning to experience the effects of the short memory of many. It will be up this generation to be a standard bearer and a reminder to the future generations.

PLEASE visit for more information. PLEASE also confirm with me through this event page if YOU are led to be a part of this day of solidarity and support with Israel.

Thank you and SHALOM!

How to Participate

*****PLEASE CONTACT - for further information and for *T-SHIRTS*.

Suggested donation is $20 for the shirts and will be available for pick-up after April 22. You can also call 208-818-3257 ****

You can walk with us!

In cities all over the USA and internationally, there will be people walking in remembrance. These events are still being organized but to be informed about any marches close to your city, you'll need to register as a Marcher.

You can commit to pray before and during the March of Remembrance
We need committed intercessors to take shifts leading up to and also during May 1, 2011.

You can buy the T-shirt and be a walking billboard
Everyone will be wearing these attractive t-shirts as we walk in cities worldwide on May 1st, 2011, but you can be the first to proclaim it in your city! Not only will you have a stylish garment to wear but every purchase helps us give a Holocaust survivor the platform to give their testimony.

You can organize a special meeting to inform your community.
Would you help us cast the vision in advance to church and civic leaders for a March of Remembrance in your area?

Call New Hope Management at 972.862.6160 (Dallas) & 615.818.0710 (Nashville) or visit to register as an organizer for more information.

You can walk somewhere or help organize an event in your city.
The March of Remembrance is a public prayer walk on May 1st. You can join the walk in D.C. or the one nearest you. You can also organize an event in your city.
For more info on how to organize a local event, or to get your local event listed on the Map of Honor please register.

You can volunteer.
Help with things like hospitality, local promotion, set up, transportation, clean up, or other related tasks associated with a March of Remembrance in your area. Register as a volunteer today!

You can offer financial support - We need all the help we can get!
Travel expenses and lodging for Holocaust survivors at the various events, promotion, printing costs, and other related expenses are necessary. All donations are tax deductable and can be made at our website or March of Remembrance events. Visit for donations.

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